8 point non-surgical facelift in Leicester

8 Point Non-surgical Facelift
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Rejuvenate and refresh your face with an 8 point non-surgical facelift in Leicester

The 8 Point Non-surgical Facelift, also known as a liquid facelift is an advanced method of non-surgical anti-ageing facial contouring. It is one of the most popular treatments and it targets 8 specific areas of the face that require natural enhancement with dermal filler.


Treatment Time – 1 hour
Downtime – 1-7 days
Results last – 9 months
Price – From £1000

WHAT can Amedics Clinic help you with?

 The 8 Point Non-Surgical Facelift will achieve:

  • Lifting of the mid-face
  • Contoured lower face and definition of the jawline
  • Rejuvenating the under eye area to eliminate “tired” eyes
  • Firmer, smoother skin with fewer wrinkles

At Amedics, we offer the 8 point lift using the highest quality Teoxane fillers on the market to target areas in the face that has lost volume. We begin to show signs of ageing from our 30’s where the natural fat pads of the face tend to descend, we lose collagen and elastin from within our skin and the effects are visible as volume loss and a droopy appearance of the facial tissues.


8 Point Non-surgical Facelift Pricelist

8 Point Facelift – 4ml£1200.00
8 Point Facelift – 5ml£1350.00
8 Point Facelift – 6ml£1500.00
8 PointFacelift – 8ml£1600.00
8 point facelist

To achieve the most effective result dermal fillers
will be administered in different areas of your face:

Dermal filler is gently injected into specific areas of your skin to reduce the depth of the skin crease.
Dr Ameera specialises in this treatment and will artistically place filler to achieve natural and impactful results.

1&2 Cheek bone:

Volumising the cheek bones to create a lifted mid-face appearance whilst helping to lift the nasolabial folds (nose to mouth lines) and adds to the overall impact.

3 Tear troughs:

Rejuvenating under eye and tired hollows under to give a more awake, alert and youthful look.

4 Nasolabial fold:

Smoothing out the lines which appear in the nose to mouth area improves the youthful and fresher appearance.

5 Mouth corners:

Lift the mouth area can improve a person’s appearance, smoothing away any ageing angry or sad look.

6 Pre-jowl folds:

The procedure can assist to reduce or improve jowls caused by loss of volume in the jaw, cheek and chin area.

7 Jawline areas:

A subtle lift to the jawline can produce a more youthful ‘V’ instead of an ageing ‘U’ shaped chin and jaw area.

8 Lower cheeks:

Hollow cheeks are ageing and gaunt, but also impact on the rest of the face too. Smoother, plumper cheeks lift the whole face.

Be confident

8 Point non Surgical Facelift

Before and after 8 Point non Surgical Facelift

8 point before and after
8 point before and after
8 point before and after


Information about 8 Point Non-surgical Facelift

Do I need a Consultation before booking for an 8 Point Facelist?

Before any treatment, we always recommend a thorough consultation that allows you to discuss how this treatment can achieve the look you desire. Within this appointment, our Doctor will likely discuss how long the results should last and how often you could have the treatment to retain your desired look.

What happens post treatment?

After your treatment, you may experience some bruising, swelling or redness. Some people choose to take some downtime to let these side effects calm down. Due to the 8 point non-surgical facelift utilising dermal fillers, results can be visible immediately after the treatment.

How long do results ask for?

The length of time dermal fillers last can vary, at Amedics we use premium luxury Teoxane fillers that can last 12-18 months, After this time, you can choose to top up your filler if you’re still after a younger looking appearance.

Will the results look natural?

There is no one size fits all approach when it comes to Dermal Filler treatment. At Face Clinic London, we pride ourselves on having an appreciation of natural beauty, and we work with techniques to influence your facial features to produce a natural, harmonious yet subtle result.

Is the treatment painful?

The treatment can be considered as mildly uncomfortable, a small amount of local anaesthetic is contained within the syringe with the Dermal Filler to reduce discomfort and a numbing cream will also be applied prior to treatment.

Are there any ricks to the 8 Point Non-surgical Facelift?

Treatment with Dermal Fillers and other injectable treatments in the UK are still largely unregulated, allowing for wide variation in the qualifications and experience of practitioners, and the standard of treatment provided to patients.

At Amedics, your treatment will always be carried out by a fully GMC registered Doctor, who engages in regular training to remain able, skilled and professional in the treatments they provide.

It is important that you feel comfortable with your Doctor, not only in their ability and knowledge, but also on a personal level. We encourage all our patients to carefully research the practitioner offering them treatment, and only to make an informed decision on proceeding with treatment once they are comfortable with their impression, their experience and their qualifications.

look and feel your best

Skin Treatments


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Affiliated with Luxury Premium Brands
Affiliated with Luxury Premium Brands
Affiliated with Luxury Premium Brands
Affiliated with Luxury Premium Brands
Affiliated with Luxury Premium Brands
Affiliated with Luxury Premium Brands